ACHS is a network of scholars and researchers working in the broad and interdisciplinary field of critical heritage. ACHS seeks to promote heritage as an area of critical enquiry.

Welcome to the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS), the leading professional association for heritage scholars, educators, policymakers, activists, community members, and practitioners. Our members – 2000+ from 127 countries – are part of something big and bold: a vibrant international community that transforms how we see, study, and engage with heritage. 

These are uncertain times. While the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed faultlines and fueled inequalities, our communities are also contending with numerous complex social, environmental, economic, and political challenges. Our members are not removed from these challenges – but instead, the essential voices shaping the fundamental questions of this moment. Our community of emerging, professional, and alt career members know that heritage can be an implement of social change (or harm). They are leveraging this moment to shape and expand the global conversation around heritage. Whether it is studies of the relationship of heritage and the rise of authoritarian regimes, or as a human right for diasporic or migrant communities, or redefining heritage praxis in built environments or for international organizations, each embodies a spirit of innovation essential to addressing the challenges of this moment.

The ACHS Executive Committee will build on their work and focus on two intersecting themes: equity and inclusion. This work ranges from ensuring web accessibility, to collecting member feedback to help align our priorities. Our board is working on finding ways to connect our diverse constituencies and members. Recently, for example, we initiated a new feature, Member Spotlight, to showcase an ACHS member each month.

As a member of ACHS, you benefit in many ways. Our newsletter provides much more than a way to stay informed, it also provides an in-depth interview and other articles of interest. As a member, you also receive a 70% discount for the International Journal of Heritage Studies. You can learn more about these member benefits on our Member’s page.  

Our Associations signature event- the Biennial Conference will be held in December 2022 in Santiago, Chile, chaired by Professor Olaya Sanfuentes and the team. Learn more here.

Our association works because of our members – your commitments, energies, and support for ACHS. Thank you for all you do!

Melissa F. Baird

President, Association of Critical Heritage Studies